Taurus Monthly Horoscope: April 2023

Check here for the monthly horoscope for Taurus. Predictions in love, health, and money for Taurus by the AstrologyManifest

In the Taurus horoscope for April, you will start the month by summarizing your last twelve months to start another stage of your life on the date of your birthday. As for your social life, you will have the opportunity to go through fun times, but you should take more care of your heart.

So that you can orient yourself in this stage of your life, adequately project your work goals, as well as to maintain a harmonious social and love life, I will explain how the energies of the Universe influence you this month.


You will start April by analyzing your last twelve months; especially, which objective to conclude and which to continue. On the other hand, Venus will pass through your sign and will warn you that this is the best time to add more fun to your social life, but you should take more care of the privacy of your heart and its emotions. As for health, Mars will increase your vital energy.


From the beginning of the month until the 20th, the Sun will travel through the area of ​​your horoscope in which you seek more privacy to review your work projects, as well as to decide which one you should conclude and which one to put more force into.

To this end, you will have the support of the Full Moon on the 5th, which will show you with all its light which one you should leave behind since this lunar phase will announce a business shift.

To these aforementioned revisions and changes, the good influence of Venus will be added until the 10th, which will pass through your sign and will serve to increase your power to attract money.

Later, the New Moon and eclipse on the 19th will bring other types of work responsibilities. For this reason, you can open a cycle in the company you work for to go to another higher-level company, change sectors to improve your positioning or open your own company.

To finish Mercury and then the Sun on the 20th, they will move to your sign indicating that it is time to launch a new personal year in which you will generate new projects that will lead you to expand your prestige and professional notoriety.

Also, with this influence, they could increase your desire for power and focus more on you to achieve your ambitions. In this way, you will begin a new cycle with your aspirations, which will be a good time to open new doors, present ideas, and ventures, or for you to be able to solve legal issues if you need it in this way.

Best week of the month for your prosperity and work:

The best week will be the last one when the New Moon and the Sun are already activating your sign, opening new doors for your progress.


You will start the month very thoughtfully with the passage of the Sun through the most private area of ​​your horoscope. You will reflect this by being more silent and you will not want to leave your house to socialize. On her side, Venus will make you enjoy your solitude while you will take stock of how much you have cried in matters of love and if it was worth suffering.

Later on the Sun on the 20th will change to your sign and you will have another force. For this reason, you will be more sociable, you will enjoy the company of your social group and the chats of friends.

If you are without a partner, in the aforementioned time you will have the opportunity to meet someone very significant to your life or start a new relationship. Here I suggest you do the ritual with rice so that you can achieve happiness.

Best week of the month for your heart:

The second week is the best of the month since Venus will be benefiting you with new friendships and love relationships.


In general, it is a good month for your health, due to the passage of Mars which will be favoring you and will be in charge of stimulating your vitality and will provide each cell of your body with more vigor.

By feeling good, your mood will also improve and you will get out of the discomforts that you have been carrying for a long time and that you have not fully healed. However, you should pay attention to the Full Moon on the 5th, it will be generated in the area of ​​your horoscope related to health.

For this reason, I advise you to stay relaxed, because you will be very sensitive, everything will bother you and you could get in a bad mood. Due to this, the digestive process will be slower and you could have inflammation.

Week of greater vitality:

It will be the first week because you have the strength of the Sun and Mars in Cancer, giving vitality to each of your cells.

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