Gemini weekly horoscope: from April 17 to 23, 2023

Check here for the weekly horoscope for Gemini. Predictions in love, health, and money for Gemini by the AstrologyManifest

In the Gemini horoscope, from the week of April 17 to 23, confusion in labor issues increases with the influence of Mercury retrograde. On the other hand, the Solar Eclipse brings new and good people into your life.


As Mercury will start its retrograde path during the week, you should take precautions. This is because such a movement will occur in the sector of occult affairs and enemies; Therefore, it will be important that you know the 5 common problems that occur with Mercury retrograde and how to avoid them.

Strange events will happen in which it will be difficult for you to distinguish if your mind is in this reality or if you have signed valuable papers or have sent the correct emails, if you do not take precautions this would end in confusion with work documentation and misunderstandings with bosses.


The first Solar Eclipse of the year tells you that it is time to generate changes with your illusions and hopes and how to carry them out so that you have other types of initiatives and projections in 2023.

But, in addition, since the eclipse is solar, it will indicate that some people who accompany you in your dreams will change, particularly a man relevant to you. So get ready to say goodbye to whoever wants to leave and wait for the person who favorably accompanies you in this new stage of your life.


To maintain your well-being during this week in which you will begin to feel the influence of Mercury retrograde in your horoscope, I recommend paying attention to your thoughts. Do not keep imagining situations that are not real because they could affect your mental and emotional state.


To reaffirm your confidence and not doubt who you should stay away from, whether, at work or sentimentally, it is good that you increase your self-esteem more. For this, I recommend using personality reaffirmation techniques such as the mirror technique. Approach one and you look deep into each other’s eyes.

After a few minutes, rest your hands on your throat and say the following affirmations: “I, here and now, declare that from this moment on and with the energy of the Eclipse I attract the person who supports me in my projects and shares my ideals. So be it and so it will be!” Finally, you thank yourself by valuing this step.


The best day of the week will be Saturday since the Moon in your sign and Pluto in Aquarius will give you great energy to start putting more order in your life. It will also be a good time to start physical activity.


The key this week for you will be to recognize the importance of following your dreams and ideals without giving up and in a more orderly way so as not to get lost along the way.

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