Leo monthly horoscope: May 2023

Check here for the monthly horoscope for Leo May 2023. Predictions in love, health, and money for Leo by the AstrologyManifest

Leo monthly horoscope: Venus, your career planet, went “out of bounds” on April 3 and will stay that way for the entire month. This is very unusual for any planet. So your profession is taking you outside your usual sphere. Perhaps your work responsibilities are forcing you to go beyond your limits and improve yourself.

In the economic field, a similar situation will occur. Mercury, your planet of finances, will go “out of bounds” on May 17. So you probably won’t find the solutions in your normal environment and will have to look for them elsewhere. Apparently, the wealthy people in your life will also move outside their usual sphere.

Keep watching your health this month, especially until the 20th. Although it is improving day by day. The situation is not nearly as serious as it was last month. Mercury will stop forming the unfavorable aspect in your astral chart on the 12th. And Mars, on the 13th. And the Sun will begin to form harmonious aspects on the 20th.

Until the 19th, strengthen your health with the methods described in the annual forecast. And above all, rest when you feel tired.

Your profession is going smoothly and you are a winner in your specialty. People admire you. You are the object of respect and appreciation. Your financial situation is also good. Until the 12th you will receive money from your good professional reputation, or from your own profession. It is possible that your salary will be raised (officially or unofficially). Your bosses, the elderly, and your parents or parent figures are supporting your financial goals.

Mercury in your 10th house shows that the financial terrain is one of your highest priorities. Mercury, like any other planet, is always most powerful (most dignified) when it is at the top of your natal chart. But he will still be powerful after the 12th. On that day he will enter his own sign and house, where he will feel more comfortable.

This aspect also favors the inflow of money. It shows that you will enjoy the financial favors of friends and that you are attracted to the high-tech sector, information technology, and the world of the Internet as a job, business, or investment. Mercury will enter your twelfth house on the 29th. So from this date on you will be more generous (even more than usual) and charitable.

You will have a great instinct for the spiritual perspective on wealth. Financial advice will come to you through dreams and hunches, and also through astrologers, psychics, tarot readers, and mediums. Sometimes a few words from a newspaper or an advertising brochure will catch your eye especially and offer you a financial message. The invisible world will be supporting your financial goals.

Love is complicated this month, but it is a favorable period for friendships. Some months (and certain years) are like this.

  • Best days overall: 1, 8, 9, 18, 19, 27, 28
  • Less favorable days in general: 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21
  • Best days for love: 2, 4, 5, 10, 13, 14, 20, 23, 24
  • Best days for money: 2, 3, 12, 13, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30
  • Best days for the profession: 4, 5, 13, 14, 20, 21, 23, 24

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