Scorpio yearly horoscope 2023: The complete prediction

Check here for the annual horoscope for Scorpio. Predictions in love, health, and money for Scorpio by the AstrologyManifest

Scorpio yearly horoscope 2023: The Scorpio Horoscope for the year 2023 indicates for you a time of rewards and the materialization of dreams in which you will be the total protagonist of your life. The Universe will offer you opportunities to achieve the desired financial and emotional stability.

With this and according to your perseverance, you will have the opportunity to discover more of your abilities. At the end of this article, you will find how to make it easier for you to achieve your dreams.


2023 will be a significant year because you will be able to find the balance point that will free you from obstacles and delays. It will be a time to receive rewards and achieve a full recovery since the situations will be synchronized to realize old objectives that were delayed.

From the economic point of view, according to your horoscope, it will be favorably expansive, being a good time to speculate and do new business.

As for the personal, new friends will arrive and you will recover the emotion of love with many possibilities of falling in love. In addition, committed love relationships will have more stability. On the other hand, your state of health will be good in general because you will recover your vitality and you will get out of wear and tear.


Take advantage of them to do your rituals for the beginning and end of the cycle, since they are very powerful for being in your sign. Especially, the Lunar Eclipse will not happen again until after 18 years.

  • New Moon: November 13
  • Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse: May 5


This year will be characterized by

It will be a period of great achievements in which you will be able to establish firm foundations and progress by seeing the results of previous efforts. Although situations will flow in your favor, you will have to remain responsible and organized so as not to waste time and achieve goals.

Your great challenge will be to be attentive and accept the good opportunities that appear to achieve the job and economic stability that you long for. As you will be able to grow a lot, it will help you to optimize your own businesses.

Your main objectives will be

Since you will feel so sure of the steps to take, among your priorities will be making important decisions to continue progressing, as you will see that your efforts achieve the prosperity you dream of. This will be a time when you should not disperse to achieve a stable life structure.

Your goals will also include working methodically and effectively to plan expansive projects; here remember not to limit yourself.

You will live in a year in which public relations will give you access to relevant businesses and in which people will arrive through whom you can associate with other people. So you can look for other directions in your life by developing a progressive mind in your economy.

Months of prosperity and advances

For your economy:

In March, November, and December, more money will enter your bank account than expected. You will be able to realize salary increases, investment earnings and start your own business.

People will appear for better ventures and societies. If among your goals is to change jobs, you will achieve it. To expand all this vibration, I recommend you do a ritual with coins to attract economic prosperity.

In your work and profession:

In June and July, you will enjoy opportunities to excel and develop your leadership skills. You will live days in which you will increase and improve your personal performance and your professional prestige by working methodically and efficiently.

Later, the months of March and April will be the most favorable for you; excellent time to ask for a raise, a promotion or to change jobs. Here your industriousness will increase and you will improve relationships with bosses and collaborators.

Months of care:

For your economy:

As you will be tempted to invest and dedicate yourself to financial speculation, in July and August you will have to analyze the situation a lot so as not to commit risks and not assume new obligations that later weigh on you.

On the other hand, there could be many expenses that you did not anticipate. Also, you will be tempted to treat yourself and go shopping, but if you do it in an exaggerated way, you will produce an imbalance in your bank balance.

For your work and profession:

In August, Venus will be retrograde and you can go through days of not believing in yourself and doubting work experiences. Since this would lead you to make mistakes or not be as effective, you must take this into account to overcome it.


This year personal and sentimental relationships will begin to flow properly and in accordance with your expectations. You will be able to get along better with others since you have learned from previous experiences to be more realistic and have more specific expectations.

Since your whole life will be on the way to stabilizing, you will want this for this realm as well. Therefore, you will assume more serious commitments in your intimate relationships and you will live a very favorable time to make family and personal decisions.

The emotional attitude that will predominate inside you will be one of tranquility and peace, which will help you to have loving, safe, and balanced approaches if you are alone.

These very special and positive vibrations are what will lead you to find a harmonious relationship. Also, remember to increase these influences and attract love with incense, candles, and perfumes.

If you are in a relationship, this year the happy circumstances to share will increase and you will achieve a reciprocal approach to intimacy. What was damaged will stabilize and you will be able to reorganize what was affected in previous months, both inside you and in your home.

Favorable months for the heart

If you are single:

During February and March, your magnetism and personal attractiveness will increase even more. Right, there will be the time to accept all kinds of social invitations, especially those to which you usually say no. It is through these that you will have more opportunities to start exciting relationships that will make you discover a new facet of yourself.

In March and April, it will be good times to start a stable relationship. Your power of conquest and seduction will increase, but you will also have greater understanding and tolerance with others, achieving a more stable bond.

If you are in a committed relationship:

In August and September, your desire to share with your partner and advance in the relationship will increase, assuming more commitments and planning a firmer future. Feelings will be encouraged, as well as conversations that allow you to clarify complex situations and forgive each other if they had been hurt before.

Unfavorable months for the heart:

June will be a difficult month because you will be in full energy overload and your tendency will be to vent your anger on your partner. The important thing is that you understand that there will be days to learn to give in and not be so radical in your decisions.


In general, you will experience a very good year for your health, since you will have the support of Saturn. Although in the first months, it will be difficult for you to feel stronger and resume the dynamic rhythm of your life, later you will be able to recover and have more vitality.

The difference will be in the moment in which you organize your meals, rest what is necessary and leave bad habits behind. Once this is achieved, you will maintain harmony in your body and in your mind.

Months of better health

In October and November, your vitality will be high, you will achieve that your mind dominates your body and you will have the ability to focus all your energy on increasing your defense system.

Months of paying more attention to your body

If you have not taken care of your body, in the months of July and August you could have exhaustion and problems with your kidneys and digestive system. You should also take care of being in a bad mood because they could cause you bumps and falls. When you feel very nervous, try to meditate and find a point of balance within yourself that gives you peace.

Next, I recommend ritualizing your dreams by building your own Prosperity Box as follows:

Use your magic and creativity! Remember that each step will be better done with the emotion and enthusiasm of being able to attract everything you ask for since the Universe will return the same to you.

  • – Find a brightly colored box, with many shades of gold and silver, or paint your own. When you see it, you should transmit happiness, but above all feelings of abundance and prosperity.
  • – Inside, it forms a cotton base. Give room to your imagination and form a pleasant site where you will support and build your future earnings.
  • – Then, rest on the cotton a ring or pendant of silver and another of gold; It can be real or fantasy because the important thing is that they will symbolize the wealth that you want to have. If you are asking for an abundance of love, you can put a couple of wedding rings on it.
  • – To this, add white and red rose petals representing feminine and masculine energy, as they will give inspiration to your unconscious for the creation and fertilization of businesses.
  • – Then choose a new banknote of the value you prefer and write your economic projects on it and on a pink piece of paper your love wishes.
  • – Cover all this with colored glitter giving it joy. You can also add crystals, stones, or quartz according to your sign, such as Topaz, Malachite, and Garnet.
  • – Close it and save it in a private place. When you need to refresh your goals or add orders, open it and transmit your good energy.

In the rituals, especially those of Luna, place your requests here. When they are fulfilled, thank Mother Earth for everything she gives you. Then, follow the indicated dates, so you will use the energies of the Universe and see what a good year will be like.

Recommendations for your Prosperity Box Ritual

Finally, I recommend you make small notes to place in your Prosperity Box to give more strength to your wishes:

  • – It is a year to advance financially and sentimentally.
  • – Focus your energy and don’t waste time in anger to patiently build goals.
  • – Value yourself more and remember that this year you have many opportunities to achieve your happiness.

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